Sunday, July 31, 2011
Jill In Brazil: People come first
Jill In Brazil: People come first: "Well my friend’s thank you for going through my Political woes with me, I know Blogging Politics from the left side is Blogger suicide when ..."
People come first
Well my friend’s thank you for going through my Political woes with me, I know Blogging Politics from the left side is Blogger suicide when my readers are mostly in the Middle of America, but I can’t help but be passionate.
Clearly the passion is on both sides, so what did I learn these last 5 days? Well, I learned that people who look at a big picture can’t debate with people who look at small details. I learned that no matter how we get there, we all want the same thing and that despite our political views we get along well at a party. I learned that talking politics is only fun for a while and you have to have thick skin. I learned that what is going to happen will happen and blaming others and rehashing the past will not fix anything. I have also learned that the world is big and we are all interconnected, so next time when you have something great don’t take it for granted.
Well, I have said what I needed to whether anyone heard me or not and I feel that I have done my part as an American, even if it is from another country. I have been trying to keep my politics to myself with pressure from my husband to turn my focus to my life here and so I will because no matter how I look at it, I won’t be home for a least another year and I haven't even touched Brazilian Culture & History yet.
I can’t thank you enough for reading my blog and especially those who stepped outside and commented, I apologize if I have offended anyone because the biggest lesson of all is that no matter our politics people should come first because we are the government and our Political system is in desperate need of a overhaul.
Saturday, July 30, 2011
Jill In Brazil: Indulge me for a minute.
Jill In Brazil: Indulge me for a minute.: "My Resonse to the rebuttle on Face book… and hopefully my last. Troy Said: I like the quote by michael savege, liberalism is a mental diso..."
Indulge me for a minute.
My Resonse to the rebuttle on Face book… and hopefully my last.
Along with a lot of back an forth about politics and not even catching a glimps of eye to eye...and thenTroy Said again: I like the quote by michael savege, liberalism is a mental disorder, it’s like talking to a brick wall. And what built this country? Hard work or free rides? By the way, the rich pay almost all of the taxes, do your home work... and I write...
All programs are flawed and there is always someone taking advantage of a system at every level not just the poor. Why do you focus all of your energy on those people?
Where do you get 50-60% taxes and why would you think that is what liberals want? You got a tax break last year, or didn't you know. This is fear that you are spewing and that you have been sold. Why are you so worried about what your boss makes? Just that statement shows me that you have been sold fear. As the middle class dwindles be happy that you woted for your boss because he will be just fine.
Where do you get 50-60% taxes and why would you think that is what liberals want? You got a tax break last year, or didn't you know. This is fear that you are spewing and that you have been sold. Why are you so worried about what your boss makes? Just that statement shows me that you have been sold fear. As the middle class dwindles be happy that you woted for your boss because he will be just fine.
Your principals are strong and I understand them well, however these days your principals will only take you so far. What about fighting for the middle class?
Indulge me for a moment if you will.
When you pay taxes… Where do they go? Have you ever walked into a store and put money on the table and walked out expecting nothing? I know that you have noticed that the poor collect; do you notice that the rich collect too? We, the middle class expect the same but are too proud to ask for a dime and never get a penny.
What about unions, do you hate these too? Breaking down unions lowers the general pay; it stops the collective bargaining…when the unions are gone ….as you vote, you will see what happens to peoples salaries across the board. The main lobby of the People is the unions. When they go, so will the nation. Maybe you don’t work for a union and so you don’t like them. Big Business doesn’t either, but they help the middle class. You know who the middle class is right? People making fewer than 250K a year; that’s about 20K a month. Look what is already happening the jobs of teachers, firefighters, etc.
In a nutshell what I am trying to say is that if you make under 250K a year than voting conservative these days is voting against your own best interests. This is not your Father’s party anymore. And voting your principals in this society with these candidates is cutting you nose off to spite your face because you do not receive any benefits for just being a good person and a hard worker.
I bought my first house at 29, and I had to work harder because my payments were high even with good credit rating. I worked my whole life too because I watched my parents work hard and my parents told me that besides being a good person, I would need good credit. A single lady with 2 kids bought a house near me for way less that I would had to pay a month because she needed the help… supposed ably I would say. Ok, now we are both 2 women and we both own a home but she had kids so her payments were lower. Financially she was doing better because her payments are lower but my life was better because I didnt have kids...right? This sucked, I thought. Of course it sucks for liberals too. Then I realized that life isn’t fair for the middle class. We pay because we are proud, then we give our earned money to help good causes because we feel good and because it is expected of us, then we work harder because it is what we learned and hope to have enough money for retirement which most people don’t ever have the time to enjoy because this is the time that they get sick. Then they are happy to have Medicare and start to draw their Social Security which would supplement their pensions and savings if they have them. By the way, Medicare and Social Security are Democratic programs, ask around and find out how many people collecting their benefits (and I include disability) don’t need them or would like to give them back, because this is what you are voting for. Again you are voting against your best interest.
I know that it was these principles that built America, but I didn’t go out and vote against my best interest, I voted for the party that is more likely to help me when I need it. Again, what has the Republican Party ever done you (the middle class) or small businesses in the last 10 years?
When you are making over 250K…switch parties but if your income is unlikely to change during the next voting cycle, I know who will get my vote while we still have a 2 party system.
However, I will always vote to help the middle class when I am rich and famous (let’s say) and if I help the poor along the way, then so be it because one day their child may be sitting in class next to mine and also because I like to leave the front door unlocked when I am at home. Not all poor people are lazy have you checked out inflation vs. the minimum wage? If you are a family of four and make $20,000 a year, you are considered poor in America.
Friday, July 29, 2011
If a free ride is a little help from time to time when a person needs it most, whether it be a child needing healthcare or a young woman needing low cost women’s services, or a mother needing food stamps, or providing our soldiers proper health care when they return from war, well I guess I am guilty. I didn’t say that the government was perfect, it is just that I would rather see my tax money go back to the people in ways of service and rebuilding infrastructure than in Tax cuts to the wealthy who pay a lesser percentage than their secretaries, or funding unjustified wars or subsidies to Corporations making record profits. This is the beauty of a Democracy isn’t it? We both want our tax dollars to count for something don’t we? So we vote, but holding the congress up from doing their job and walking out on debates isn’t debate or democracy and especially not compromise.
Just because people don’t live their life or think like you doesn’t mean they aren’t as good as you, all personalities, all societies, all nationalities…all types of people built this country not just you. It strikes me odd that Conservatives are always touting I’m the worker, I do what’s right, I’m the true patriot, I know the true Jesus…as if liberal minded people don’t. The I got mine, now go get yours …does it really work?
It sounds like you are upset with Obama for not doing enough as he said he would when he took office, are you disappointed in him because he didn’t save you? You didn’t even vote for him…if anything you made it harder for him to make the changes. Your party has fought him the whole way… remember for example, the birth certificate thing or the death panel thing?
I think what you are missing is that it is the banks & corporations who are behind all of the candidates, because you need almost a billion $$$$ to get elected president. Until elections are ran solely on public financing we will never get a real candidate of our choosing.
Look at your Tea Baggers, they are holding up the congress with their extreme ideas and It is not in the Countries best interest. Big Money ran a national campaign for Tea party Candidates, a national campaign for name recognition. They took a gamble as they got the Tea Party of America all riled up because they were turning on the Republicans and now the people are having buyer’s remorse. Look at the recall elections in Wisconsin and the state of Minnesota. They ran National campaigns so that they wouldn’t have to debate or interview in their own districts. Who would or could afford a National Campaign for a congressman, I’d say only Big Money with an agenda.
Here is my reality, I see first-hand In Brasil what it is like when there is a government who has failed its people and years have gone by…YEARS. Now they have a social divide between the rich and the poor, it is a huge gap. The haves live behind gates and the have not’s govern themselves. As good as the people are here and as fun as it is, there is little trust and respect for others. The handshake means nothing and you will never find a lost and found. Here everyone has experienced violence in some way at some degree.
America was an experiment in Democracy and it was an amazing blessing to our country. The teachers, public educators, the soldiers, the nurses, the small business person, the ambulance drivers, the firefighters, the construction workers, the police, and the social workers, etc… are the back bone of this country, they are who built America. Here in Brasil there is little respect for these jobs… not even the small business owner. Every idea is the same because the innovation is in Big business which leaves the rest to work for them. We need to take care of our middle class and help the less fortunate by education, offer services to the elderly and support our families and our workers…it is these ideas that give us strength as a nation. How we do this is with a democracy and with Democracy there is compromise and unfortunately you are never going to get your way 100% of the time but that is better than never getting your way.
Thursday, July 28, 2011
Its Kind of Funny... Right?
Oh and here is another fucking funny one...
I love John Stewart... pure comedy
Sorry, but it is funny to me!
Response to Debt Debate
Terry Baca More debt doesn't erase current debt. It also does not guarantee that a credit rating won't still go down.
9 hours ago ·

Scott Forrester
First Jill as of jan 2011 foriegners owned 4.45 trillion of U.S debt apporx 47% held by the public of 9.49 trillion and 32% of the total debt of 14.1 trillion China was the largest holder @ 26% with the United Kingdom and Japan holding the... rest. I'm glad to see u still blame Bush and the Tea Party and get your facts from Some left wing nut like randi rhodes. This is obamas party and now one is to blame but him for the default.Just be thankfull you live in a 3 rd world country and can watch from a distance what will happen to the U.S.A as we slide to socialism and poverty because of the left wing.See More
9 hours ago ·

Jill Rios
Yes, if we dont do something NOW.. Our credit rating is likely to be affected too and raising the debt ceiling is to pay for what we already owe so that we dont default. Also, it is important to not only make cuts but we need to find new r...evenue, the Tea Party Repbulicans took and owth to Grover Norquest that they would not raise the taxes on the rich & Corporations which would make a huge difference towards getting to a balanced budget. Which is the goal for everyone Repubilcan or Democrat. I might add that the last time we experienced this was before Bush took office.See More
5 hours ago ·

Terry Baca Common sense should tell you that you don't borrow more to get out of debt. Where does it end? I've not once heard a liberal want a balanced budget. And taxing more so you can spend more does not mean balancing.
about an hour ago ·

Jill Rios I understand that you blame Obama, but what I don’t understand is how it is so easy for you to wash your hands clean of the Bush presidency, please remember that going to 2 wars, starting Medicare part D & giving Tax cuts (which make up 20% of the budget) were on Bush’s watch not to mention the country’s largest attack on our soil. He did these during a war and did not pay for them and did not put them on the budget. Obama put it on the budget and made them transparent to the people. What about the deregulation of Wall Street? The new Obama Policies added since taking office cost us $1.4 trillion (stimulus plan, funding for green jobs, tax cuts, etc.) against the 14 trillion debt that we owe. Obama aside…
Please tell me... What policies did the Republicans do for us and small businesses that actually helped you and the middle class over the last 10 years?
As far as your numbers go...I quoted 1 source in my blog, but it took me actually 5 minutes of searching to find another source on the internet. This source is from Business Insider...and I don’t know if it swings left or right. It is called "The Truth about who really owns all of Americas Debt" & in a nutshell; the treasury owes foreigners and foreign government’s $4.5 trillion total of the $14.3 Trillion Debt. As you said around 32% Total. These are sourced from the US Treasury; .9% Hong Kong 1% Caribbean, 1.1% Taiwan, 8% China, 6.4%Japan, 2.4% UK, 1.5% Brasil, other Oil Exporting Countries 1.6%). The rest is held in the United States. (Fed.Reserve/Mutual Funds/ Money Market Funds/ Commercial Banks in the U.S. own 17.8%)... however of that china is the largest holder of Foreign debt but only about 8-10% of the 14.3 Trillion. TO BE CLEAR... NOT 27% of the 14.5 (making it unclear makes all of the difference in the world).
I’m Just Saying…
I would never be thankful to watch from the side lines as my country looses it balance, if anything I see it more clearly. Really it is not about where we have been but what do we want for our future? And apparently I have to add... my future. You know I am still an American citizen dont you? I just wish we could get to that point together with out blaming either I think about it what does it help? I point out the China debt because even I thought they owned most of the debt but was suprised to get the true numbers and by this I am showing how much defaulting will affect Americans lives.
Please tell me... What policies did the Republicans do for us and small businesses that actually helped you and the middle class over the last 10 years?
As far as your numbers go...I quoted 1 source in my blog, but it took me actually 5 minutes of searching to find another source on the internet. This source is from Business Insider...and I don’t know if it swings left or right. It is called "The Truth about who really owns all of Americas Debt" & in a nutshell; the treasury owes foreigners and foreign government’s $4.5 trillion total of the $14.3 Trillion Debt. As you said around 32% Total. These are sourced from the US Treasury; .9% Hong Kong 1% Caribbean, 1.1% Taiwan, 8% China, 6.4%Japan, 2.4% UK, 1.5% Brasil, other Oil Exporting Countries 1.6%). The rest is held in the United States. (Fed.Reserve/Mutual Funds/ Money Market Funds/ Commercial Banks in the U.S. own 17.8%)... however of that china is the largest holder of Foreign debt but only about 8-10% of the 14.3 Trillion. TO BE CLEAR... NOT 27% of the 14.5 (making it unclear makes all of the difference in the world).
I’m Just Saying…
I would never be thankful to watch from the side lines as my country looses it balance, if anything I see it more clearly. Really it is not about where we have been but what do we want for our future? And apparently I have to add... my future. You know I am still an American citizen dont you? I just wish we could get to that point together with out blaming either I think about it what does it help? I point out the China debt because even I thought they owned most of the debt but was suprised to get the true numbers and by this I am showing how much defaulting will affect Americans lives.
Wednesday, July 27, 2011
Jill In Brazil: The Debt Debate
Jill In Brazil: The Debt Debate: "Here we are in the final hours of deciding if we should let America Fail or keep working to improve America. Tea Party Republicans want to..."
The Debt Debate
Here we are in the final hours of deciding if we should let America Fail or keep working to improve America. Tea Party Republicans want to put entitlements (Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid) on the table or they won’t agree to get a deal on raising the debt ceiling which Ronald Regan (their hero) did just 17 times & Bush for that matter and then it wasn’t an issue. It is not about spending for them, they want entitlements on the table such as Medicare, Medicaid & Social Security…why? So they can steal the money. Just as Bush gave the Banks a 700 billion dollar present as he walked out the door and handed over the deficit to the next president. Don’t be confused this was due to 2 wars that weren’t paid for, Medicare Part D which wasn’t paid for and Tax cuts to the richest Americans which weren’t paid for or transparent.
Let’s talk Talking points… You don’t want to redistribute the wealth... Right? What do you think we are doing when we give our tax money (from struggling Americans) in the form of subsidies to companies who are making record profits? These are their talking points people, the Tea Party Republicans won’t stand for raising the taxes back to where they were for the richest Americans during the Clinton Administration. The rich and Large Corporations are experiencing the lowest taxes they have ever had in 50 years and Bush did this during war time which is unheard of. Not to mention experiencing record profits during the recession...things that make you go hmmm.
One more thing to ponder…
Who owns most of the U.S. debt? It is not China! China owns 10%
The American People do, 65% of the American debt is owned by us. The American People!
Individuals who own treasuries
Intuitions like your pension funds own treasuries
The Social Security Trust Fund owns treasuries
The U.S Military Retirement Fund owns treasuries
The U.S Civil Retirement Fund owns treasuries
These are the things that will default & are you saying that you want to be stiffed by your own Government!
Many times when America was in trouble you may not have felt it in your pocket, but if we let the Tea Party Republicans hold us hostage on the debt. Everyone will be affected. Call your congressmen and tell them to make a deal. If you don’t know much about politics…it is time to learn.
We are all alike in that we want the best for our children, defaulting now will change America as we know it and the people will pay for it, not the corporations or big money that the Tea Party Republicans are supporting….It’s you!
By the way… the Tea Party Doesn’t Exist! It is made up by Corporate America, The Koch brothers, Grover Norquest Foundation, Americans for Prosperity, Heritige Foundation & Loby Houses. Here is a picture of today's Tea Party rally outisde of the Senate-the "Hold the Line" rally-- Here's a shot of Jim DeMint addressing the crowd. If you think you are a part of something big, please rethink…it is not grass roots.
.Information is provided and Fact Checked by The Talented & Smart Randi Rhodes courtesy of The Randi Rhodes Show.
This morning I woke up to the "Moo" of a Cow in my street. By the time I got to the door in my room to look out he was right in front of my house. He looked just like an American Cow. He was huge, black and white as most cows here are skinny and brown. It was kind of crazy to see a cow walking the streets alone, especially these streets looking for food. It reminded me of Bhellie (my dog) being lost on these streets and it made me wonder if he would get lost. Then I thought how does a cow get lost and really what is 1 cow doing wondering the streets by my house. If anyone is too hungry...
Tuesday, July 26, 2011
Jill In Brazil: Fly on the Wall
Jill In Brazil: Fly on the Wall: "I thought I would only stand out in China... but I stand out in Brasil too. The other day I went to fill a prescription for Ben at the Pharm..."
Jill In Brazil: Fly on the Wall
Jill In Brazil: Fly on the Wall: "I thought I would only stand out in China... but I stand out in Brasil too. The other day I went to fill a prescription for Ben at the Pharm..."
Fly on the Wall
I thought I would only stand out in China... but I stand out in Brasil too. The other day I went to fill a prescription for Ben at the Pharmacy and when I walked up to the front counter she said “How can I help you Jill?” Then tonight the pizza place, the lady knew which street that I lived on and I have only been in there 2 times before. Actually, this is quite a common occurrence in my neighborhood and places that I go. So that is how Jill the American stands out but, the other way that I stand out to people whom I have not had contact with is by my clothes, the way I walk, and the fact that you can catch me from time to time eating pizza with my hands, sitting back with my feet up drinking a cerveja and by the style of my shoes. This is how the American in me stands out; I guess they can see me coming a mile away. Actually, I kind of like all of the stares, glares and whispers.
Today a man came to the house selling Jesus. I tried to tell him to come back when my husband was home but all he did was stare at me…right into my eyes. I would stare back then say again what I said and again he would just stare into my eyes. He was kind of a weathered man, homely, skinny and tall, but he was “smizing” to quote Tyra Banks (when you smile with your eyes), and he looked beautiful. He did this about 4 times as he couldn’t hear me but I thought I was speaking clearly enough. Then finally he left and gave me a pamphlet which the kids fought over for 5 minutes and called a “ticket”. He didn’t come back maybe because he seemed very confused, if I could only be a Brazilian fly on the wall when he got back to where he came from. A Brazilian Fly… because they speak Portuguese of course.
Today a man came to the house selling Jesus. I tried to tell him to come back when my husband was home but all he did was stare at me…right into my eyes. I would stare back then say again what I said and again he would just stare into my eyes. He was kind of a weathered man, homely, skinny and tall, but he was “smizing” to quote Tyra Banks (when you smile with your eyes), and he looked beautiful. He did this about 4 times as he couldn’t hear me but I thought I was speaking clearly enough. Then finally he left and gave me a pamphlet which the kids fought over for 5 minutes and called a “ticket”. He didn’t come back maybe because he seemed very confused, if I could only be a Brazilian fly on the wall when he got back to where he came from. A Brazilian Fly… because they speak Portuguese of course.
Sunday, July 24, 2011
Today we woke up at 10am, oh how I am going to miss these days. I start back at school tomorrow at 5:30 am, and then we went to pick up Gabi and have lunch with Rodrigo’s family. I love his moms cooking; it is so so so so good.
On our way back we had to buy Ben some shoes for school, so we pulled off at Decathlon. It is a store here in Brasil and it is just like Sports Authority in the U.S of A. When I went in, it was so American. So huge and full of sport stuff, expecting to see astronomical prices the first thing I noticed were Basketballs (rubber) for $13… What a deal. “Mom, can I have one? “Why Not?” I said excitedly. Then we went to the shoe section, they were around $79-$129 or more but some were slashed in price to $34. All I had to do was just go with the ones with a Blue logo and that was the color he wanted anyway. Good Deal for Me! The same shoes with the red and silver logo were $89.
Two things I realized today about my Boy, he is starting to get stinky when he sweats and his shoe size is growing too fast. He is in a size 2 for kids (U.S.) or a 33 (Brasil). Whoa!!! Slow down Ben.
Well after having luck in the shoe department, I thought I’d better take a look around... GO Shopping! I haven’t been truly shopping with nothing in mind for 7 months. Every time I have been shopping since arriving in Brasil was either for food or for something specific (house) that is usually to expensive anyway. Well anyway, I was with Ben and Addisun; we walked every isle. I wanted to find something little for Gabriela. I found her a little cute pink & purple basketball for $6 and some little sandals for $10. She was so excited when I got to the car and showed her the presents.
As we were headed out there was this beautiful little doggie standing in the parking lot. He was trying to bite everyone’s bags as they were walking out the door. Crazy little dog, so it dawned on me that he might be hungry. I had just the thing, since we had Rodrigo’s mom make a “Doggie Bag” for Bhellie Bell, I gave the food to the little guy instead. I also had just bought a bottle of water so I took the tin foil and made a little water bowl for him. While he was scarfing he snipped a couple of time at me as if I might try to take his food away. Now he is probably sleeping right with a full belly somewhere.
I felt great when I got into the car! I got to go shopping, I got to buy the kids a little present and I got to help a little doggie. What a day! Now I am sitting with the kids on the couch tired as can be, we all are. What a vacation, but glad it’s over. J
Saturday, July 23, 2011
Movie day
Today is Saturday, we have been having the best weather here. It is slightly overcast with a cool breeze. It is so hard to regulate temperature here because of the lack of air conditioner and heaters. J Truthfully, I am beginning to become worried about the summer coming again. It is just gets so hot and moist here, hopefully by then we can afford an a/c. Well today Ben is a little sick and we discovered a 3 English movie channels. No commercials! We have been watching movie after movie today. Gabi is staying with her grandma and Tia’s, they went to buy boots today for her. She sounded so excited on the phone. I will go and pick her up today. So that’s it for today.
Thursday, July 21, 2011
Good Luck Joao!
Recently I have been given a particular class to Joao. Particular means private. He is going to Canada tomorrow for a month to learn English. So up until his departure we have been working together every day for 4 weeks. What a time we have had, at first we worked on some phrases, sayings and readings but this eventually got boring so we started to go out for beers & Coffee for just a chat. Then Addisun would meet up with us and we would have a great time. I think he has come a long way and I am really excited for him to depart on his adventure. I want to say that Addisun and I definately had an influence on him, we might have turned his world upside down but we think he liked it. Fingers Crossed. J
Good Luck Joao!
Wednesday, July 20, 2011
Jill In Brazil: Billionaire
Jill In Brazil: Billionaire: "Let’s see… This week as I think I have said before is a vacation. I have a friend spending time with us and she is a great person, an hone..."
Let’s see…
This week as I think I have said before is a vacation. I have a friend spending time with us and she is a great person, an honest person and really fun. We have been having such a good time…really doing nothing. Last night we went to my favorite Espetinho place in town with one of my students. He brought along some friends that he works with at the factory; we met some really cool people. As one girl was leaving she ran into these 2 German guys who also worked with them but they make the big bucks. We asked them to join us and they did, but for the first 10 minutes one of them made fun of our friend while the other sat with his back against the whole table. Why even join us? Maybe they were expecting 2 Single American girls but realized quickly that we were not on the market. It was weird… finally they chatted as it is always interesting to meet other foreigners who come to Brasil.
I wondered what they thought about their experience here. The difference between them and me is that I came here to live without a reason; I just started over in another country. Well I had a couple of reasons to come; however what I was expecting was so different that it felt like starting over. I guess I could tell you now every instance where my heart was torn out, but for now it is better to let it go.
So anyway, where was I…? Oh, The Germans, they came here for money (work) and set themselves up accordingly. There is a big difference between the haves and have not’s here in Brasil. This got me thinking about what I would do if we were to have a ton of money. What would I spend it on? I have been living on such a budget that it seems like it would create havoc in my simple little life, but something I would be willing to live with. So, since I am reading the Secret; let me try to ponder it for a while.
One thing is for sure if I had a lot of money; I would probably learn Portuguese a lot faster because I would definitely be getting out of the house more often and I might even take a Portuguese class. I would travel South America too; this is something that I totally forgot about when I started to set up my life here. I forgot how close I am to Peru, Paraguay, Argentina, Chile and Colombia….I would be fulfilling a dream actually it was never even a dream… it would be a fantasy. I would be able to afford pancake syrup and would be able to eat different types of food outside of Espetinhos and Launches. If I had more money I would have more time to myself as I would immediately put my kids in a great private afternoon school and then we would be able to go to different places…like the movies. I would spend the mornings with I them and have the afternoon to myself to focus on some of the projects that I have had to tuck away and including my blog. I would get massages and acupuncture, have spa days with Gabriela and get my hair professionally dyed and new clothes. I am thinking for my wardrobe I would go with skirts, tops and dresses. For Bernard I would buy him a Nintendo DS. As for Rodrigo…I think our goals would be the same but the extra special things come in the form of making his life easier while he works because…I don’t think I would. Now I am thinking of that song “Billionaire” by Bruno Mars. Funny, well that is what I would do with a ton of money in Brasil….I guess you could say I have thought about it some.
Tuesday, July 19, 2011
Another Point of View
Hi, Here is a link to my friends blog about the BBQ at my house on Sunday. It is called "Melting Pot". I think you will like it, I did.
Monday, July 18, 2011
Whats for Lunch Today?
Let me introduce you to my Brazilian meal. Today I made a Salsa, Rice, Beans, Farofa & another salad. So, here’s a picture of the lunch I made.
Farofa : Fry up bacon, sausage, onions first in canola oil. Then you add some spices, olives & golden raisins. Once everything is cooked I fold it into Farofa which is yucca flour.
Other Salad: You cut up eggplant, garlic, onions & green/red peppers and sauté it well in oil. When it is soft add regular raisins and refrigerate.
Salsa: Tomatoes, cilantro, onions, green pepper, cucumber, this beautiful lemon fruit (its orange), garlic, olive oil, a bit of water, a bit of vinegar and salt.
Feijao: Brazilian beans. I set out beans for the night and then pressure cook them with water. Add onions, garlic & garlic Salt.
Generally a meat is also served and of course rice; however since we have been having a ton of Churrasco’s (BBQ) lately…we are all taking a rest from meat today. Our digestion systems are in overdrive.
So, this is what you will find at a typical Brazilian lunch. Lunch is the largest meal of the day. The food is so simple and whole. The taste is divine and everything goes together like a symphony. I am working on my kitchen skills because I want to incorporate these foods into my daily life forever.
For dinner we have leftovers and a desert. Breakfast consists of French bread, usually lightly grilled with butter. I prefer a cheese spread on mine. There is no stress when planning a meal or eating, we hardly ever snack and we use everything we have in the fridge most of the time.
Brazilian food is a beautiful experience and one that we would call diet food in America. It has become at times the best part of the day and I know overall it will be the thing I remember most about Brasil.
Sunday, July 17, 2011
La de da...
Sitting around tonight chatting with Addisun, looking at facebook photos of our families. She is from Oklahoma and always reminds me of my family. Especially my cousin Becky, they are both so cute and Oklahoma. I am listening to Willie Nelson and relaxing.
Last night we went to my school Festa Julina party, it was so much fun and for so many reasons. One that comes to mind was the Festa Junina dance which everyone dances. The whole party! At home, when there was dancing there was always a large crowd watching the dancers and a smaller crowd dancing. I actually said I would watch until I realized it would have been me and 2 other people. So, I grabbed Gabi and we met Bernard and danced. What a beautiful time, I danced with Gabi all night. Bernard is very independent and would never dance with me... never. I wanted this so so much. Well last night my prayers were answered, the laughs and love in Gabi's eyes when we were dancing was enough to melt my heart. I was holding Gabi and also dancing with Ben during the main song. It was a dream come true. I didnt care about anything last night except dancing with my kids and sharing this time with them, it was as if all I was ever looking for was finally right in front of my eyes. What a beautiful new stage in my life. Truth is...I am actually starting to really like it here. It is nice to smell the has just been too long.
Last night we went to my school Festa Julina party, it was so much fun and for so many reasons. One that comes to mind was the Festa Junina dance which everyone dances. The whole party! At home, when there was dancing there was always a large crowd watching the dancers and a smaller crowd dancing. I actually said I would watch until I realized it would have been me and 2 other people. So, I grabbed Gabi and we met Bernard and danced. What a beautiful time, I danced with Gabi all night. Bernard is very independent and would never dance with me... never. I wanted this so so much. Well last night my prayers were answered, the laughs and love in Gabi's eyes when we were dancing was enough to melt my heart. I was holding Gabi and also dancing with Ben during the main song. It was a dream come true. I didnt care about anything last night except dancing with my kids and sharing this time with them, it was as if all I was ever looking for was finally right in front of my eyes. What a beautiful new stage in my life. Truth is...I am actually starting to really like it here. It is nice to smell the has just been too long.
Friday, July 15, 2011
Rodrigo stepped on my glasses and broke them last night... oh man! They are even broken in such a way that they cant be fixed. They are on their way out now.
The family is gone but Tony is still with us through the weekend and my friend Addisun will move in with us during the vaccation. It is going to be fun... probably too much fun :)
The family is gone but Tony is still with us through the weekend and my friend Addisun will move in with us during the vaccation. It is going to be fun... probably too much fun :)
Wednesday, July 13, 2011
Pizza, Futebol & Kids
Tonight I am home after a long long night last night. Every Tuesday we go to my favorite restaurant with my teacher friends and some students who want to talk English. Last night I met some great people and we were out till 2am. Lots of fun.
Tonight I am so happy to be home eating pizza and watching futebol with my family. The Brazil team isn’t looking too good this year so far, even I can see it…well we have 2 years to practice, so I have my fingers crossed. Tonight we are playing Ecuador, god help them.
Today we played all day with the kids, they are so tired. It is so great that we have so many kids around; this will be some of the best times of their lives. Bernard loves to play with Julia (10years), and Marina (2yrs) loves to play with Bernard so they all play nicely. Now Gabi, I am not sure what she is after; she wants to do what Julia and Bernard are doing but spends most of her time trying to take everything away from Sophia (2yrs). Sophia loves babies and spends all of her time taking care of Gabi’s babies, it is so adorable. Soon I realize that Gabi is nowhere and I will either find here riding her bike or doing something by herself…or I will hear one of the girls crying, run out to see who it is and find Gabi cornering them…its GABI!!!! Or more appropriately….its Gilly!!!!
Monday, July 11, 2011
10's a Good Crowd
I am so secited to host some of my favorite people in the world at my home. We are going to have a packed house for sure... Tia Eva, Tia Bia, Tony, 3- 2 year olds, a 5 year old and a 10 year old. Rodrigo and I. All together there will be 10. Excitingly enough this will be my first time hosting Brazilian Style. In this case Brazilian Style is lots of family sleeping everywhere and eating really really really good. Mmmm Mmmm.
Sunday, July 10, 2011
Saturday, July 9, 2011
Dont stop the Conversation
If I haven’t lived in Brasil, I would not be as connected to the world as I am now. We are all connected and if you can’t see that from where you live, if you can’t feel that in your heart, please travel or trust in me. The great lie is that we are independent countries dependent on no one, removed from the world, but this is not true. The people of the world are connected. There are worldly repercussions for disease, disaster, miracles and devastation that run through tiny veins and affect us all.
Don’t let your news source dictate your thoughts about the world, see it for yourself. It is not always good, in fact sometimes it can lead down roads that your soul is not prepared to go; but without this uncomfortable moment we do not grow. We are family and you should care or at the very least…You Should Know! Be prepared to help others, teach them and learn from everyone as you go. Stop making statements that create facts from your opinions. Stop the thoughts that separate you from other people.
Thursday, July 7, 2011
Festa Julina
Ok, so it is the same party in June as July however the name is Festa Junina in June and Festa Julino in July. This one last 2 months and is a winter party. Dressed as county hicks you eat popcorn, drink hot wine, and enjoy the winter with warm cozy thoughts and friends. I will get more information on Saturday at the party as I ask around and observe. If anyone would like to add coments about Festa Junina/Julina, please help me out.
Its a Family Thing
Next week on Friday, there is another vacation from school… Festa Junina (I think)? You know I have already been to 4 festa Junina Party’s and now it is July and I am going to 2 more plus a vacation… hummmm. I wonder if it is still being called festa Junina. We will have a party at our friend’s house Saturday, then a school party on Friday which kicks off the 10 day Vacation.
On the 4th of July, I was excited to tell my students about what we do and the importance of it. By the 3rd class it began to lose its excitement… why? Because Brazilians have the Best BBQ’s and Hamburgers and Hotdogs do not compare and then I was telling them how our family gets together like Christmas time I realized that Brazilians are always together with their family and friends, and the biggest problem with my story was that Brazilians have a vacation once a month. My story was Boring.
Brazilians are always on Vacation. Now, when they work they work but when it is vacation time… they are on vacation whether it be traveling or sitting at home. For this very reason the rest of my life I want to be Brazilian…I recap; they have the best BBQ in the world and they are always on Vacation. Now on the other hand; the family thing… well American Style might be better.
I love my family as much as the next person. I chat with them daily and always look to them for advice but I don’t know if I could be surrounded by family 24 hours a day. I understand little about the family dynamics in Brasil and I am not even sure of what they talk about. You see, I do not hear much more then how people are doing and little bits of major things going on. I could only imagine that they must talk a lot, have many opinions and be very involved in each other’s lives as we would be in America.
On the other hand, I know family is important when raising a child. A child must know that when they do something wrong they are disappointing everyone (uncles, aunts, cousins). I think this keeps a child on track, it worked for me. However as an adult… life is hard enough without knowing what everyone in the family is thinking about the choices you have made. I’m Just saying... Am I Wrong?
Wednesday, July 6, 2011
Experiencing one of the longest work weeks since I stopped working in October 2010. Its been a long time. Where am I going with this? I'm going to sleep thats where, I just changed the sheets and I am so so close.
Tuesday, July 5, 2011
Whoops... What do you mean Cowboy?
Well here it is, could be the funniest thing in the world at least to me at this very moment. Ben had to dress up as a cowboy for Festa Junina. It is a festival where the kids dress up as cowboys and cowgirls or as I realized country hicks. So, we went to Ben’s school to watch him dance. Rodrigo dressed him up as a cowboy and we were off… when we got there we noticed a bit of a difference between our version of the American Cowboy and the Brazilian Cowboy at Festa Junina.
What do you think? Looks like the last place we were was in Tombstone Arizona… and it was. Poor Ben as if just being from another country wasn’t enough.
What do you think? Looks like the last place we were was in Tombstone Arizona… and it was. Poor Ben as if just being from another country wasn’t enough.
Monday, July 4, 2011
4th of July
I can’t believe I am out of the country today, as this is the first time ever on the 4th of July. I am surprised that I am feeling the same feelings as being gone at Thanksgiving & Christmas. I guess it was just another time in my life when I was spending time with the people that I love the most.
Oh, and the hamburger/hotdog/potato salad/macaroni salad & Apple Pie with Homemade Ice Cream Barbeque. And I almost forgot Beer. The real American BBQ! Actually this is the only time that I can convince Rodrigo to not BBQ a steak.
Oh, and the hamburger/hotdog/potato salad/macaroni salad & Apple Pie with Homemade Ice Cream Barbeque. And I almost forgot Beer. The real American BBQ! Actually this is the only time that I can convince Rodrigo to not BBQ a steak.
Just days ago, I was cooking in the kitchen and suddenly; I broke out into the National Anthem like 3 times. What is going on? Then, I noticed the date… can you believe it? Subconsciously, I knew something special was going on.
So, Happy 4th of July!!!!!! I miss you America!!!!!!
O Tia
Tia (chia), this is what every kid including mine call the adults in their lives, In Brasil. For men it is the same but with an o, Tio(Chio). When I was first called this I was kind of confused and wondering if they were talking to me, every child says it even the kids that we meet playing at the park when they want my attention. My first thought was “oh, the responsibility” that those words give to me. So much responsibility and I don’t even know these children…it is like being called “God Mother”. This responsibility (God Parents) in America means that if that child’s parents should die, one would have to step in as their parent. For a moment I was overwhelmed.
In America, I have never been called an Aunt (Tia). My sister just had her first child and I am waiting to hear those special words from my nephew, Jaxon. In my world, I changed with not only the grand responsibility of becoming “mommy”, but there is also a great responsibility of becoming an Aunt (Tia). It is a role that I’m looking forward to more than anything else, helping to raise Jaxon and even my cousin’s children, because nothing on earth seems more important than these little lives. And every little one needs a crazy Aunt.
So, the story goes that when I arrived in Brasil, immediately I became Tia to every child. At first I thought they must not be talking to me but now I know that this is their way of knowing adults love and that we will help, and for me a sort of social responsibility. It makes me feel good to be called Tia and it makes me feel close to people even when I am not always communicating. Children do not know and do not care; they just want to be loved and consequently so do I.
Sunday, July 3, 2011
Sunday in the Country
Enjoying a Sunday in the Country. We are in a beautiful place; there is a pool, playground, free bar, pool table, soccer field and all we can eat sitting in front of us. What a pleasure Brasil is with these hidden treasures. An American girl whom is a friend of mine that I tech with, her boyfriend’s dad owns this place of beauty. This is the 3rd time we have been here and today is the best. A little overcast but not too cold. Remember it is winter here and summer at home.
The kids are playing with the others and I have to pay little attention… oh look, there is Ben carrying someones little dog and yelling for the his owner….He keeps troubling everyone else but me. It feels good today. Just a bit ago he was laying at the edge of the pool sticking his head in and trying to use the snorkel, that was funny too. Oh, a good day.
The kids are playing with the others and I have to pay little attention… oh look, there is Ben carrying someones little dog and yelling for the his owner….He keeps troubling everyone else but me. It feels good today. Just a bit ago he was laying at the edge of the pool sticking his head in and trying to use the snorkel, that was funny too. Oh, a good day.
Saturday, July 2, 2011
This Too Shall Pass
Started reading "The Secret", looking for some clarity while repeating my new mantra "This Too Shall Pass." I guess I can’t really complain, it has only been 7 months and I suppose we have been doing well it is just that finding a job for Rodrigo has been an unexpected challenge since he decided that the Chef Industry was not going to work for him here. I suppose when I started to contemplate this new mantra I thought how funny and embarrassed I will feel when we have moved past this part "no money “and I whined all of the way. Which also made me wonder if while whining I would overlook the lesson.
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