Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Jill In Brazil: The Fight

Jill In Brazil: The Fight: "So after we get screwed by the import tax on birthday presents, the very next day I get to feel the repercussions of what it is really like ..."

The Fight

So after we get screwed by the import tax on birthday presents, the very next day I get to feel the repercussions of what it is really like to work for someone.  We got a paycheck.  I can’t go into detail but let’s just say if I was counting on that money to pay my rent for the month….I would be calling my family or taking up prostitution.  
So…. I don’t know.  Every country has its thing.  I have realized that living in America is way easier for me and not just because I don’t speak the language, but because it is also all that I have ever understood.   Trying to understand Brazil with America on the brain is like eating a ketchup Popsicle.   I would advise all Americans to get their finances straight, put the credit cards down and learn to live with less.  If you do this, you will have all of the luxuries of life without even knowing it.  We take everything for granted, like Hot water at your sink.   This is a luxury here.  I have a beautiful home and only cold water at my sink.  For the shower we use electric shower heads so we always have a hot shower.  I asked my class, very stupidly “can you actually get your dishes clean in cold water”? 
I don’t mind using cold water I actually like the simplicity of my life here and I am happy to be here, I am just saying when and If I come back to America, I will live a more simple life and I will try  to not take for granted the day to day comforts that we have there. 
Honestly…  I do understand why republicans or anyone for that matter don’t want to be told what to do with their money.  Nobody wants to be told what to do with their money.  These are confusing times as I am trying to understand my own Country, and now I am living in a completely new one.  My fight is to stop the bickering back and forth and for us to come together for one cause... like "how money infulences elections".  I think that too much time gets lost in these fights.  Especially when the fight is over Gays, Abortion, Guns & Religion.  No one will ever agree on these because it is a personal choice a moral dilemma or a way of life for some.  Don’t tell me how to live, what to think or what to do with my body, let’s just fight for the causes that affect us all, or at least the ones who earn less than $250,000 a year.   More than likely, if you are reading this… it is probably you.

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