Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Over 2,500 Views- Thank You's

Oi Meu Amigos! 

Thank you so much for taking interest in my Blog.  I have gone over 2500 views Today!  I am considering this a huge accomplishment for me. 

If you are loving it please pass it on to 10 of your friends for me and tell them to do the same if they like it, would ya?
Or if you are a computer person and know how to get this out on the web or link me up, could ya?

Finally, thanks again for reading and dont forget to comment every once in a while, should ya?    

The truth is:  If it wasn't for this blog and for you, I might have thrown in the towel weeks ago! :)
Love You All!

The Real Challenge!

You know what the real challenge is for me, wrapping my brain around the fact that I am going to have to live with less.  As an American Consumer as sad as it is to say…. I miss it. 
I didn’t buy expensive stuff but I sure did buy things. The best thing that I did was bring my 15 boxes full of clothes and things that I thought I would need for a life here, because to replace my stuff would be triple. 
It is not that I need a huge amount of shit around me to feel happy.  Here it is; just the basic necessities are expensive and once we start working it will be goodbye to eating out, spending when I am feeling sad, and buying just to buy.  I sound like such a brat, don’t I? 
All I can say is SHIT!!!!!!!!   Someone told me that if I keep comparing things to America, I will drive myself Crazy!!!!   Guess What?  I am feeling a little Crazy now.  I don’t know what to do, my husband has a decision to make – do we get a job and just live with a little or do we go big.  If we just get a job we can live in a great place and see him more, but in 2 years all we have is more experience.  If we go big and have a business, we may see him less, have to live in a place that is further from the beach but we can go out, buy the extras that we want, afford a babysitter once in a while and afford to visit back home more often. 
My heart says I just want to live in peace and  to be together but my head says get a job that pays more.  And the rest of me says “What in the Fuck was I thinking”? 

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