Tuesday, January 11, 2011

The Real Challenge!

You know what the real challenge is for me, wrapping my brain around the fact that I am going to have to live with less.  As an American Consumer as sad as it is to say…. I miss it. 
I didn’t buy expensive stuff but I sure did buy things. The best thing that I did was bring my 15 boxes full of clothes and things that I thought I would need for a life here, because to replace my stuff would be triple. 
It is not that I need a huge amount of shit around me to feel happy.  Here it is; just the basic necessities are expensive and once we start working it will be goodbye to eating out, spending when I am feeling sad, and buying just to buy.  I sound like such a brat, don’t I? 
All I can say is SHIT!!!!!!!!   Someone told me that if I keep comparing things to America, I will drive myself Crazy!!!!   Guess What?  I am feeling a little Crazy now.  I don’t know what to do, my husband has a decision to make – do we get a job and just live with a little or do we go big.  If we just get a job we can live in a great place and see him more, but in 2 years all we have is more experience.  If we go big and have a business, we may see him less, have to live in a place that is further from the beach but we can go out, buy the extras that we want, afford a babysitter once in a while and afford to visit back home more often. 
My heart says I just want to live in peace and  to be together but my head says get a job that pays more.  And the rest of me says “What in the Fuck was I thinking”? 

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