Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Sick little Peanut

I got home from work this a.m. to find Gabi sleeping again at 10am.  She had been sick for a couple of days but today she was worse, so I sat with her and held her a bit and her little heart was beating fast and she seemed short of breath.   I took her to the hospital right away.  I think I have said before but Pneumonia is very easy to get and very serious here in Brasil.   So, 2 breathing treatments, 1 x-ray, a shot, and $180 real later we went back home.  It was a 5 hour ordeal but she is a lot better now.  She laid in my arms all day and slept, poor little baby.  I could have held her for 10 hours… but she was up and running the minute we stepped in the door.  Thank goodness for modern medicine. 

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