Sunday, June 5, 2011

Jill In Brazil: Call me tomorrow!

Jill In Brazil: Call me tomorrow!: "We just had Rodrigo's family in town for lunch today. It was so fun, however funny that we had to entertain them on a plastic table and cha..."

Call me tomorrow!

We just had Rodrigo's family in town for lunch today.  It was so fun, however funny that we had to entertain them on a plastic table and chairs.  At one point I tried to use a large beach towel as the table cloth, but Rodrigo wouldn't have it and thought we should the curtain instead... so we did. :)  Get this, after this wonderful day and wonderful meal, then my daughter wanted to go home with Tia Dani and VaBina.  I cant believe it... no crying... nada.  She just packed her bag and got in the van and told me to call her tomorrow.  I dont know if I am ready for this.  So independant and only 2.  They drove off with huge smiles, all of them.  What A Good Day. 

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