Friday, December 3, 2010

Culture Shock!


Culture Shock!

I have been diagnosed by many who have lived abroad!  Culture Shock it is!  Like any disease, putting a face to it makes it easier to work with.  Just when I finally broke down with my first cry of the move an amazing thing happened. 
I went to class that day, did I mention I have the most wonderful teacher in Brasil.  Dani is her name and she has live abroad and has walked in my shoes.  However I do not know how she managed to live without Beans and Rice everyday.  :)
It was to Dani that I cried.  She was so nice and supportive.  I felt better soon after my cry and thought I am ready again to study Portugese and soak up the culture again.  I had hit a wall as you may have seen in my blog.  I didnt want to talk to anyone.  Nodding and smiling is something that I could only do for a while and it was killing me that I can not communicate.  It still is but I am feeling ready to try again. 
That day after class Dani called and invited me to her Conversational English class.  Honestly, I was still trying to pick up my broken pieces but said YES because I knew it was important for me to get out of the house.  I am so glad that I did.  I met the most wonderful people.  They made me feel so invited.  They decided to have a party and spend the hour talking and asking me questions about America.  I have been invited back and to their end of the year party.  I am so excited to go.  It is the people who make all the difference here. 
This one goes out to the Class and a Huge Thanks for lifting me up. 

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