Monday, November 29, 2010

Leroy Merlins

Yep, the home depot of Brasil.  I have taken for granted the ability to redesign a room when I wanted.  In Brasil you better think about what you are buying and buy it once.  We went to Leroy Merlins to get stuff for our bathroom/shower room.  A small plastic basket like 8 x 8 was $8.00.  A matching toothbrush holder, soap holder for bar soap and toilet scrubber (second to the cheapest) totaled $70.00.  Makes you think.  I used to change my bathroom all of the time.  All of the products are made in Brasil though.  Lots of cheap but economy stimulating shit here.  Next time I go to the U.S.A,  I am bringing back some shit from China. :0... kind of funny? :)

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