Monday, July 4, 2011

O Tia

Tia (chia), this is what every kid including mine call the adults in their lives, In Brasil.  For men it is the same but with an o, Tio(Chio).  When I was first called this I was kind of confused and wondering if they were talking to me, every child says it even the kids that we meet playing at the park when they want my attention.   My first thought was “oh, the responsibility” that those words give to me.  So much responsibility and I don’t even know these children…it is like being called “God Mother”.  This responsibility (God Parents) in America means that if that child’s parents should die, one would have to step in as their parent.  For a moment I was overwhelmed. 

In America, I have never been called an Aunt (Tia).  My sister just had her first child and I am waiting to hear those special words from my nephew, Jaxon.  In my world, I changed with not only the grand responsibility of becoming “mommy”, but there is also a great responsibility of becoming an Aunt (Tia).  It is a role that I’m looking forward to more than anything else, helping to raise Jaxon and even my cousin’s children, because nothing on earth seems more important than these little lives.   And every little one needs a crazy Aunt. 

So, the story goes that when I arrived in Brasil, immediately I became Tia to every child.  At first I thought they must not be talking to me but now I know that this is their way of knowing adults love and that we will help, and for me a sort of social responsibility.  It makes me feel good to be called Tia and it makes me feel close to people even when I am not always communicating.   Children do not know and do not care; they just want to be loved and consequently so do I.

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