Terry Baca More debt doesn't erase current debt. It also does not guarantee that a credit rating won't still go down.
9 hours ago ·

Scott Forrester
First Jill as of jan 2011 foriegners owned 4.45 trillion of U.S debt apporx 47% held by the public of 9.49 trillion and 32% of the total debt of 14.1 trillion China was the largest holder @ 26% with the United Kingdom and Japan holding the... rest. I'm glad to see u still blame Bush and the Tea Party and get your facts from Some left wing nut like randi rhodes. This is obamas party and now one is to blame but him for the default.Just be thankfull you live in a 3 rd world country and can watch from a distance what will happen to the U.S.A as we slide to socialism and poverty because of the left wing.See More
9 hours ago ·

Jill Rios
Yes, if we dont do something NOW.. Our credit rating is likely to be affected too and raising the debt ceiling is to pay for what we already owe so that we dont default. Also, it is important to not only make cuts but we need to find new r...evenue, the Tea Party Repbulicans took and owth to Grover Norquest that they would not raise the taxes on the rich & Corporations which would make a huge difference towards getting to a balanced budget. Which is the goal for everyone Repubilcan or Democrat. I might add that the last time we experienced this was before Bush took office.See More
5 hours ago ·

Terry Baca Common sense should tell you that you don't borrow more to get out of debt. Where does it end? I've not once heard a liberal want a balanced budget. And taxing more so you can spend more does not mean balancing.
about an hour ago ·

Jill Rios I understand that you blame Obama, but what I don’t understand is how it is so easy for you to wash your hands clean of the Bush presidency, please remember that going to 2 wars, starting Medicare part D & giving Tax cuts (which make up 20% of the budget) were on Bush’s watch not to mention the country’s largest attack on our soil. He did these during a war and did not pay for them and did not put them on the budget. Obama put it on the budget and made them transparent to the people. What about the deregulation of Wall Street? The new Obama Policies added since taking office cost us $1.4 trillion (stimulus plan, funding for green jobs, tax cuts, etc.) against the 14 trillion debt that we owe. Obama aside…
Please tell me... What policies did the Republicans do for us and small businesses that actually helped you and the middle class over the last 10 years?
As far as your numbers go...I quoted 1 source in my blog, but it took me actually 5 minutes of searching to find another source on the internet. This source is from Business Insider...and I don’t know if it swings left or right. It is called "The Truth about who really owns all of Americas Debt" & in a nutshell; the treasury owes foreigners and foreign government’s $4.5 trillion total of the $14.3 Trillion Debt. As you said around 32% Total. These are sourced from the US Treasury; .9% Hong Kong 1% Caribbean, 1.1% Taiwan, 8% China, 6.4%Japan, 2.4% UK, 1.5% Brasil, other Oil Exporting Countries 1.6%). The rest is held in the United States. (Fed.Reserve/Mutual Funds/ Money Market Funds/ Commercial Banks in the U.S. own 17.8%)... however of that china is the largest holder of Foreign debt but only about 8-10% of the 14.3 Trillion. TO BE CLEAR... NOT 27% of the 14.5 (making it unclear makes all of the difference in the world).
I’m Just Saying…
I would never be thankful to watch from the side lines as my country looses it balance, if anything I see it more clearly. Really it is not about where we have been but what do we want for our future? And apparently I have to add... my future. You know I am still an American citizen dont you? I just wish we could get to that point together with out blaming either party...as I think about it what does it help? I point out the China debt because even I thought they owned most of the debt but was suprised to get the true numbers and by this I am showing how much defaulting will affect Americans lives.
Please tell me... What policies did the Republicans do for us and small businesses that actually helped you and the middle class over the last 10 years?
As far as your numbers go...I quoted 1 source in my blog, but it took me actually 5 minutes of searching to find another source on the internet. This source is from Business Insider...and I don’t know if it swings left or right. It is called "The Truth about who really owns all of Americas Debt" & in a nutshell; the treasury owes foreigners and foreign government’s $4.5 trillion total of the $14.3 Trillion Debt. As you said around 32% Total. These are sourced from the US Treasury; .9% Hong Kong 1% Caribbean, 1.1% Taiwan, 8% China, 6.4%Japan, 2.4% UK, 1.5% Brasil, other Oil Exporting Countries 1.6%). The rest is held in the United States. (Fed.Reserve/Mutual Funds/ Money Market Funds/ Commercial Banks in the U.S. own 17.8%)... however of that china is the largest holder of Foreign debt but only about 8-10% of the 14.3 Trillion. TO BE CLEAR... NOT 27% of the 14.5 (making it unclear makes all of the difference in the world).
I’m Just Saying…
I would never be thankful to watch from the side lines as my country looses it balance, if anything I see it more clearly. Really it is not about where we have been but what do we want for our future? And apparently I have to add... my future. You know I am still an American citizen dont you? I just wish we could get to that point together with out blaming either party...as I think about it what does it help? I point out the China debt because even I thought they owned most of the debt but was suprised to get the true numbers and by this I am showing how much defaulting will affect Americans lives.
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