Tuesday, January 4, 2011

American Food

So today I made my first dinner in Brasil.  I made Spaghetti and it turned out quite well.  In Brasil spaghetti is noodles with sauce and hotdogs all mixed up together.  I make Spaghetti with Meat Sauce.  They call Spaghetti here Macahao (spelling is wrong).  As I was finishing the dish Rodrigo said I should mix it up and I said "No"  I am making Spaghetti not Macahao.  American Style.  The reason why I was so unsure of how it would turn out is that finding all of the ingredients that I am used to is a real challenge.  Brazilians do not eat a lot of ground meat, you actually have to ask for it behind the counter it is not pre packaged.  Their spaghetti sauce comes in a puch or small jars.  The Zuchini looked different, the mushrooms are not fresh they float in water, there is only 2 cans of stewed tomatoes to choose from and they are $4/can.  I just wasn't sure that it would come together and even taste close to my masterpiece back home.  Very happy to report that I am able to make American Food in Brasil.  Next will be hamburgers.  Here the meat is seasoned like meat loaf.  Ben Said to me today "It is different here everyday".  

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