Monday, January 23, 2012

2 days

Honestly I am at a loss of things to say, things to ponder and things to try to understand.  All I know is that I am homesick and the days until I arrive home do not go by fast enough.  So, here I am with 2 days to go.  At this point I do not know what is going to happen.  I wonder if I will miss Brasil, If 2 months will be too long or if I will just get off the airplane and cry.  why?  Geez Jill, you are living in a foreign country…a tropical one even.  Well, I am lucky to have this experience but it doesn’t come without a price.  The price was that I had to change, I had to see the world differently, I had to see my life differently.  I think you know if you read me that it has been uncomfortable almost daily, but that is behind me now.  When I come back the work is done and the future is bright and the sky is the limit.  I also think about what life will be like visiting my land; you know it will be the first time in a long time that I will not have to worry about more that wearing clean clothes and enjoying myself.  I will be too far away to worry about Rodrigo’s business and I have no business of my own, just the kids and my beloved family.  Well whatever happens and however I feel, this will be the last post from this side.  It will be the last post from a lost woman who is trying to understand a world so foreign because when I return it will not be the first time anymore so there will be no more excuses.  My next post will be seeing Brasil from America and figuring out what just happened.  One thing that I do know is that I might just find out that the Old saying “Wherever you go…there you are”, applies yet again.

1 comment:

Dogs in Brazil said...

Sad to know you leaving Brazil Jill. Maybe you will miss it! Maybe you won't. Wishing you good luck with the future.

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