Tuesday, September 27, 2011

When it rains it pours

Ok, let’s just say we are having a complicated moment in our lives...again.   Life is good it is just sometimes you get a slap in the face and want to start planning the first plane trip out of here.   Obviously all problems are a matter of perspective so things could be worse.  However tomorrow at 10 am when I still don’t have my coffee it may be hard to convince me otherwise. 
So in the midst of a complicated shortfall of money situation and 10 days left before payday & a slew of things that need to be addressed; we find ourselves wondering for the first time in our lives…Gas, Medicine or Food?  I remember when I thought money problems were when I couldn’t afford to go to Vegas for our anniversary.  I guess I now know tough times Brazilian style and we are going to ride it out on beans and rice. 
Then, just as I am trying to think my way out of this situation I am also expecting a payday from a student and a really really important package in the mail.  So, I went off to work and later called Rodrigo “did the package arrive? What about the money?”    “No” and “No” and an “oh by the way the Banks and Post office are on strike”…. “So they are both closed?” Could things get economically worse today!  OH My GOD!!!  So no package and no extra money because of the strike, I asked the teachers at school when the strike might be over and all I got was.  “Oh, I don’t know….15 days or so” calmly without even batting an eye.   Hmmmm  K…  This is another one of those What the Fuck Moments.  Believe me I am trying to see the comical side of this situation.

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