Saturday, August 20, 2011

The Corner

Today while I was driving I came to a corner and slowed down because there was a guy on a bike carrying a case of Soda.  It was a good thing because as I rounded the long corner just in front of me was a man lying at the side of the road.  He had a sack full of recyclable bottles on his back.  He was laying cattycorner to the sidewalk with his head towards the middle of the street.  I looked at his face and he was thoroughly enjoying his decision.  This corner was a windy one where if you are going too fast and not paying attention the chances of hitting this man are good even with him not laying in half of the lane.  Why?  Why lay in the middle of the road.  Did he want to get hit?  Now usually people don’t have insurance to collect a big sum of money and most people wouldn’t pay him due to his pure act of stupidity, but was this a money stunt?  I can’t imagine he really wanted to rest, maybe that is the best place to lay where the ants wont crawl all over him.  I don’t know.  Dogs lay in the road all of the time too or right on the road side of the curb.  It scares me to think about it.   
So, today we are heading to Rio de Janeiro by bus.  It will be an awesome experience with my husband.  Our cousin Tiago is going to pick us up and take us to LAPA.  LAPA is a center where people get wild and party.  It is said that you will see all walks of life enjoying the same things and a time where you will feel safe in probably the most unsafe/crazy environment.  I have seen pictures of Rio that my friend took and I can say one thing…if a picture is captivating, seeing it in person will be unbelievable.  We will visit LAPA, Impanema, & Copa Cabana on this trip as it will be short but full of interesting experiences.  Kids are safe with Va & Vo and other than a chest cold all is well in Brasil today. 

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