This is a Caipirinha.
The word refers to someone from the countryside,
being an almost exact equivalent of the American English hillbilly. It is made from distilled sugarcane juice, whole limes and of course....Sugar! (Brazilians Favorite)

Ohhh, now this is my favorite snack before 3pm. These are everywhere and about the equivalent to our American Fast Food because they are quick, easy, and fattening. The Coxinha is made from shredded chicken and spices (occasionally including Catupiry-style cheese), enclosed in wheat flour—and deep fried. It is shaped to roughly resemble a chicken drumstick. It is doughy & scrumptious.
You see snacking in Brasil is much more difficult to do than snacking in America. In America, food is quick, cheap everywhere and ready to go. In Brasil when you look into your fridge or pantry, you will see items that need to be cooked, including the popcorn. This is the first time in my adult life that we use everything in the fridge and the only waste is an occasional piece of fruit...but this we feed to the turtles. Motzart & Shocker.
Watch out my friends, you will never experience a BBQ at my house the same way again! The Brazilian Churrasco is the best way to spend your time in Brazil hanging with your friends. Churrasco's last all day... the meat, the conversation and beer are non-stop and sitting down with a plate of food is at your will and only when you are ready. The side dishes are rice, farofa and a variety of salads, other than that we just snack on pieces of meat as they are pulled & cut from the grill.
This is the typical Brazilian churrasco. From left to right and down, fraldinha, picanha, chicken heart, sausages, bread with garlic sauce, sliced picanhas with garlic and chicken legs. We use rock salt as the only spice which leaves just a natural salty meat flavor on our steak, remember the cows are grass fed here and free range all year round. The flavor of the beef is unbelievable. The sausage only comes in links; by the way you will never find ground sausage or breakfast sausage... which I miss like crazy. I miss Lucile's Creole Cafe & Cracker Barrell for breakfast, if I were to get off the plane today; I would head for breakfast food first, then Mexican food for lunch and for dinner...I think I would show off my new Brazilian skills.
This is Farofa... Yucca Flour, Bacon, Sausage, Onion, Spices, Olives, Raisins... add whatever you want! Now this is my Favorite.
This is Brigadeiro a national truffle of Brazil. It is made of sweetened Condensed milk and cocoa.
I am not a huge fan because I am not crazy for sweets; however they are very popular here in Brasil. You will find them at every restaurant and every party.
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