Monday, May 2, 2011

Papers Please!

Papers Please
One thing that had always flabbergasted me before I left the U.S.A was… what was going on with this new movement of people called the Tea Party? They are backed by corporate sponsors and claim it is “Grass Roots”.  It was very confusing to me… they want to take our Government back… Ok, me too… they believe in “conspiracy theories”… ok, me too.  They are angry protesters…Ok, I was angry too.  But what was different for me is that I believe that Government should be by the people and we shouldn’t privatize all that is left in the Governments hands like social security, Medicare & unemployment.  The ironic part is these people are almost all taking Medicare and drawing their Social Security but fighting against it?  The banks just got their hands on 700 billion given to them by George Bush as a going away present and the people got nothing but a huge deficit and huge tax cuts to the top 2% that weren’t paid for.  These tax cuts were added to the deficit.  Since there are only 2 parties to choose from in America, I swing democrat because they in general balance budgets and tend to help the people.  Why help the people?  Because you never know when you will need to be helped during your young life and we all know you will need the help (your money back) at the end of your life.  We pay taxes so that if needed we can be helped whether it be a single mom, someone recently unemployed or someone who has turned their ripe old age and now able to collect Medicare or social security.  If we privatize this the last bit of Government, the people’s way of life will vanish just like our treasury.  You don’t like 2,000 page bills well the G.O.P heard you and showed up to the doorsteps of Bushes office with a 1-2 page bill that bailed out the banks and said we could not ask questions as to where the money goes, and you can thank your house of representatives for at least not letting that get through.
So, then there was the newly squashed Birther Movement.  I thought it was ridiculous because I welcomed a Black President, I welcome change.  Last week was a moment in history and it should really be thought about especially now that we are coming into this particular time.  The Birthers and those in the Tea party are fired up by the Corporations because they know that there is a population that is deathly scared of the brown and blacks and names that aren’t familiar.  The tea party (mostly) is made up by a group of people whom are racist and cant stand that we have a black man sitting in as our head of state.   Don’t believe me?  You know the jokes that go around about race because of Obama’s color; you hear it all of the time.  I voted for him and heard them daily everywhere… you might laugh because some places and around some people it was more uncomfortable not to.  I'm not here to condemn anyone… I am just asking that you admit that racism exists in America and admit that this scares people more than they want you to know.
My Question is if you are a member of this Tea Party who are you fighting for or better I say against? Other Americans… Me?  Maybe I am sorely missing the facts.  I think the problem is a corporate takeover of America and they don’t want you either, they are using these people to confuse and fight the rest of us!  Come On! 
You understand that the Corporations can give any amount of money to any candidate of their choosing thanks to the Supreme Court last year.  You know that to get a candidate elected there is a specific amount of money that needs to be raised.  A candidate can’t get elected today without corporate sponsors, democrat or republican.   The Tea Party is too busy getting bad press while fighting against their neighbors over abortion, gays & guns, and the democrats are fighting privatization of the large corporations and the media is confusing us all.  So, where is the real fight and if it comes will we all be too preoccupied with Donald Trump and Sarah Palin to see it? 
Let’s take a look at what they did to the Highest Seat in The Land last week.  They called for the “papers please” law on our President.  In Arizona there is a law is set forth in Arizona by Governor Jan Brewer.  Arizona says that it is ok to ask anyone for their documents if you suspect them of not being here legally.  You are a suspect by your skin color or just by your name.  Sounds good to many Arizonans who think they have a problem with illegal aliens…but there is a real agenda. It is also known that the murder rate in phoenix is down 50% since 2003 even illegal border crossing is down 49% since 2004, and this message is not getting out.  Jan Brewer is associated with the CCA (Correction Corporation of America) holds the federal contract to house detained immigrants, it is worth more than 11 million a month and it is sure to grow now that the “Papers Please” 1070 law has passed.  It is also known that two of Jan Brewers top advisors have intimate connections to The CCA.  America already locks up more people than in any other Nation.  You want jails full of immigrants whom they can hold for years without letting them go or given a fair trial.   What makes you think there won’t be prisons for people who abuse credit or default on loans?  Not them…you.  I am not saying it will happen but as with all precedents…more laws will follow.   It is also a fact that when we privatized there is more of your money wasted, just look at private health care companies now and also the fact that more people get rich…Not you…the C.E.O and the stock holders.  They will privatize everything until we are all working for immigrant wages.  You watch and see.  Financial Martial Law has come to Michigan and Wisconsin is next…please inform yourself.  Below is an article from Forbes Magazine by Rick Unger and this is happening in America.  When this happens, one man is calling the shots in the state and believe it… he is bought and paid for.  I watched and listened every day for years and watched government programs stripped.  I have seen the Supreme Court give power to the corporations making it ok for them to be given the same rights as a person to promote an agenda or to give candidates money, and then treated as a corporation when they go bankrupt or steal an Americans hard working savings.  Of course this is barely getting press, but if you choose to be worried about a birth Certificate, or planned parenthood or preoccupied with the rich paying their fair share of taxes that Fox news calls “spreading the wealth”, you should start to understand what is already happening in our own back yard.  Republican or Democrat…if you love your country we are not that different and I am sure this we can all agree on.

Jan Brewer, Gov. Arizona:
Michigan Law:


amyinhomer said...

Yeh Jill! YEH! Teapartyiers are a SCARY bunch. and I agree they dont even realize what they are fighting about.

amyinhomer said...

Right ON JILL! Tea party'ers scare the crap outta me and I agree they dont know what they are fighting for. Gonna leave us with (heaven forbid) donald duck trump or sara appalling palin as president.... this would be BADDDDDD. very bad....

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