Monday, April 25, 2011

I didn’t know Asshole was also a political agenda.

Anyone think it might be possible to be passionate about something without saying it with such anger that it gets pulled from Facebook.  Comment, speak your mind... whatever just be courteous.  The saddest thing is that some people want to agree with you on some points but your attitude limits the conversation.
Now I cant even post! 


Unknown said...

Yeah I don't get how people can agree on 90% of life or 99% of things about how to live, work, raise kids ect. but disagree on a few really relatively small % of things and not be able to discuss them in a rational manner.
I noticed this odd phenomenon when trying to discuss "issues" with good friends. The discussions keep turning into name calling and away from the issue at hand?
Being a aggressive person I would get drawn into the "fray"! I try now to stay away from the "fray" and refuse to go there. When someone else gets over emotional I think of all the reasons that I like that person or all the things we have in common then try to responed with that in mind.

Jill In Brazil said...

Wouldn't it be nice to argue and see eye to eye every once in a while? Some people are just unable to go there and I don’t know if it is a desire to be right all of the time or the desire just to disagree with people. What would the world be like if we all had the gift of reason? Thanks for the comment!

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