Saturday, April 30, 2011

"Where's the Beef"?

I have 15 minutes till I will have to go.  It is 7:30 am and I am sitting here drinking my coffee with Ben.  He is eating bread and drinking chocolate milk.  He has a stuffy nose so he can’t breathe very well, poor guy, I can’t believe how big he is getting.
Last night we put the kids to bed and went to the neighbors to pick up the hamburgers that we ordered.  They are our favorite in town made by our neighbor at her house.  It is a huge hamburger bun with a tiny little seasoned hamburger patty.  It would be perfect for that on commercial a long time ago…“Where’s the Beef”?  But this is the way that it is.  However there is other meet. 
X Tudo
Small Patty, ham, bacon, fried egg, cheese, lettuce, Potato sticks (taste like chips but small fries), lettuce, tomato, corn, Mayo, ketchup & Mustard. 
There you have it…  Perfection! 
Today is Saturday, not sure what lays ahead, possibly a chat with my family, a trip to the park and definitely a nap with the kids.  Have a great weekend.

Friday, April 29, 2011

Still too wet?

Not long ago I arrived here in Brasil and a Family member of mine here said “who came in the rain is still wet”.  It runs through my head from time to time.  I am still probably too wet.  At first when I arrived I was so excited to be here but had a lot of obstacles in my path to jump, now I understand this place a bit more…wouldn’t say perfectly, maybe knowing less would have been better.  I’m always trying to figure shit out… this is just how my brain works.  I just don’t know if things can change enough for me to truly feel safe.    It isn’t just my personal safety, but it is the respect of one person to another in business and the fact that a handshake means very little.  Of course I know and work with truly wonderful people who feel the same way as I do, the differences is that they know that there is little that they can do and I still believe that I can change the world. 
For instance, last week 4-5 men were killed.  Hog-tied and shot.  They just happened to be trying to put together an environmental community.  They were trying to live better but that agenda would call for change.  As we all know change can be scary…but deadly?  For many others…Yes.

Thursday, April 28, 2011

The weather has been cold and cloudy, makes me feel like sleeping.  Oh, I cant wait!  All is well, kids are good.

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Suck it Birthers!

Let me just say it like this…  As a person who enjoys a good conspiracy, one that I could never believe in was laid to rest…Obama’s Birth Certificate.  I believed that this was just too far off base, now 9/11…yes.  I believe that the Gov. knew and I believe that as in our proven past, our govt. uses extreme measures to promote an agenda.  To what degree, who knows?  Tonight I do celebrate, because for the first time I turned on FOX… which is my only American news channel in Brasil and saw a humbled cast of characters.  Can we now put the birther idiocracy to rest?  Let’s move forward together… Please!!

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Today was a good day and I am now recovering from my long Holiday weekend.  Had a great time and a very unexpected gift.  Rodrigo got to be home with us and this I wasn't expecting...wanting but not expecting.  Spent time with friends, Rodrigos family and even left the kids with his parents for a chance to have a date.  A good Easter weekend!

Monday, April 25, 2011

I didn’t know Asshole was also a political agenda.

Anyone think it might be possible to be passionate about something without saying it with such anger that it gets pulled from Facebook.  Comment, speak your mind... whatever just be courteous.  The saddest thing is that some people want to agree with you on some points but your attitude limits the conversation.
Now I cant even post! 

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Jill In Brazil: What does 4/20 mean to you?

Jill In Brazil: What does 4/20 mean to you?: "What do you think of when you think of 4/20? April 20 th ? Ok it was an interesting thought I heard yesterday. Randi Rhodes, whom I th..."

What does 4/20 mean to you?

What do you think of when you think of 4/20?  April 20th?  Ok it was an interesting thought I heard yesterday.  Randi Rhodes, whom I think is the Queen of knowing what actually goes on politically in America (, was talking about the significance of the day.  If you asked the question what does 4/20 mean to you?  You would hear probably one of these answers; The National Stoner Day, Hitler’s Birthday, Anniversary of Columbine or Anniversary of the BP Oil Spill.    The next thing she said was if you wanted to put like-minded people together you could ask this question.  Think about it.  If you had 4 companies and divided the workers into the four companies by their answers wouldn’t you have an interesting outcome?  What does 4/20 mean to you?  My answer was National Stoner Day.  Oh well.

Saturday, April 23, 2011


So far we are really having a great time, Rodrigo was able to have time to play this vacation and we have been spending it with his family.  We had a great time.  The kids played all day and stayed the night with Va & Vo.  It was a nice time for all. 

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

When in Rome

So my 5 day vacation starts tomorrow.  I am actually looking forward to it today as opposed to seeing it as a time where I will sit and do nothing because Rodrigo is working.  I guess I realize if I have to go at it alone I might as well go big.  Here is my plan; Go to the beach tomorrow and come back Friday with the kids.  Hopefully my friend and her kids will come with us.  If not,  I will go alone.  Saturday, I will have a meeting with my students and try to take the kids somewhere, then Sunday I will go to the SESC and swim with the kids then to Rodrigo’s families for Easter dinner, finally Monday probably the SESC again then out with a new friend and her husband.   The best part is.... I dont have any $.  A friend of mine told me today that she was going on a 500 mile journey without any money so, I think when in Rome.   I think it will be these big plans that will save me from myself.  Its been a tough couple of weeks.

Monday, April 18, 2011

Another Vaccation????

Another 5 day vacation is just round the corner…what will we do?  Rodrigo will work and I am not sure what the kids and I will do.  We may go enjoy the beach one day…it’s decided, we will go one day.  Saturday, I will have English Club and Sunday I will go to Rodrigo’s parents, so it will have to be Friday. 

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Saturday, April 16, 2011

Jill In Brazil: Got any Cheese with that whine?

Jill In Brazil: Got any Cheese with that whine?: "I thoroughly enjoyed my girls night with my friends Jen & Tiana. I also had the kiddies and we went to my favorite pla..."

Got any Cheese with that whine?

I thoroughly enjoyed my girls night with my friends Jen & Tiana.    I also had the kiddies and we went to my favorite place where the kids can play and be watched by someone else.   They had so much fun, they played and we stayed till 11:30.  Listen, this is normal for kids.  Kids do not go to bed early here; I try to get my kids in bed before 10, but it happens almost never.  I have been fighting myself over my old habits here and it is completely a waste of my time. 
I had the opportunity to meet a great person the other day and then have a girls night and it was the medicine that I was looking for.  As, I was sitting with the girls last night I felt compelled to explain why I have a rash on my face…then over the next 2 hours of chatting  I know exactly why I had the rash, because of stress!  In the last month;
·        My parents come and then leave, we had a lot of fun but when they left I really felt like… why are you leaving me?  What am I doing here?   CrAzY, but since then I have really been missing home.
·        The very next day, my dog escapes and I spend 3 days driving day and night around some very difficult neighborhoods which really gave me a head trip.  I was starting to get some answers to the questions about how 2 realities could exist in Brasil. 
·        I was pulled into answering and writing a blog about a subject that really heated me.  “Empower our sisters”, expressing myself takes a lot out of me as it is always a constant fight in Politics.  I do apologize if I did offend anyone, because right or wrong… I know that wasting energy fighting against each other is definitely wrong but this was a subject that I felt so strongly about. 
·        I realized that Rodrigo and I have completely opposite schedules and that we never see each other.  When I am at work he is home and vice versa.  We have never lived like this and it is hard on us but this is what we must do to pay the bills and to save money right now.
·        I realized that I am not 25 anymore.
·        Had to pay my Taxes to the U.S.  Govt.  Thought I’d get a refund but instead had to pay a lot this year, money that I was saving.
·        We also found out that we have to save more $ than we thought for adjusting our status here.  Like 5 times more.   So, had to put a budget together to see where every dollar will go.  SCARRY!!
·        The kids were both sick for 4 days right after each other with fevers of 104.  Gabi kept me up every night as I also found out that she is very dramatic when she is sick…dramatic... but cute.
·        Realized that I don’t know where to take the kids if they get sick and even if I do…can I afford it?  Of course I will, but it throws off my budget.  Never really had to think about this problem. 
·        Washing machine broke.
·        Gabi had bugs in her hair… very common in Brasil but not easy to wrap my brain around.  It has been an impossible and never ending task.
·        Our Energy, water & telephone bill doubled.
·        Got 2 radar speeding tickets in the mail.
·        Rodrigo’s family canceled Bens birthday party the day before and we were really looking forward to spending time with his family.
·        I got sick and then a rash on my face that I have had for 5 days now due to stress and I wake up every day at 5:30am every day to teach with swollen eyes. 
·        I realized that if I do stay here… I need some things… I need $$$$$$, Open spaces, More Support, Health Care, A better schedule with my husband, and a Private School for the kids.  All in good time, but now I can see what I will need to be happy.  There are 2 realities and I want a more secure place in the first one.

Ok, I know I am whining but in a foreign country it can get lonely a lot of the time and remember when I said that it was 25 good days and 5 bad???  Well this month so far it has been opposite; 10 good when my parents were here and 21 rough.  Mais ou menos.  As with all of my experiences of course there was growth & lessons learned.  The toughest part is relearning the easy stuff.  What I didn’t mention in all of my whining is that professionally I am doing really well and have met some awesome people.  My perspective can change from one month to another but I have to remember to get out of the house, look at the beauty in all things, and walk with my head up.  Good things are just around the bend… I can feel it.

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Looking forward to some fun

Well my rash is getting better????  Actually, I am not sure.  I did get some benedryl like medicine and my eyes look less puffy but my face still itches.  We also have to watch for mosquitos around here as there is a outbreak of Dengue.  The symptoms of dengue include high fever, severe headache, backache, joint pains and eye pain, nausea, vomiting and a rash, according to the CDC.  The teacher at my school had it and it sounds pretty painful.  I can not imagine being sick for days with the kids. 
We are pretty busy the next couple of days and then we work for 3 more days and then another 5 day vaccation.  With Rodrigo's work schedule we will stay home, so far everyone looks forward to these vaccations but me... as I enjoy my schedule with the kids and lets face it, I am still trying to get involved round here.   Tomorrow, I am going out with the girls and the kids to my favorite bar that has a free babysitter, Saturday we are having a work BBQ, Sunday ben has a playdate and then we will spend time with their family after Rodrigo gets home.    Looking forward to some fun....I just hope I staret to feel better really soon. 

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

I need a girls night

There has got to be something in the air that I am allergic to.  I have a little rash on my face and my eyes are all puffy.  This morning I woke up and my eye was so swollen that I couldn't hardly it.  Fun that I had class at 6:30am. 
Since my parents left and then my dog was lost for a few days, I  have been thinking a lot of my one day return back home.   Where will I go, what will I do and where shall I live.  I know that I am on a mission here in Brasil but there are definately things that I miss back home.   I laugh…kind of, that I just traded one life for another except in a foreign country.  I do the same things… work, spend time with my kids, take Ben to school & go to sleep just like at home.  I think I need a girls night.  I just have to get my friends to go to the bar with the play place. :)

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

My kids have been sick all week, Gabi has a temp of 104.  Don't have much to say but we are still all very tired. 

Monday, April 11, 2011

long monday

Today was a long day, I have to wake up every weekday at 5:30am.  Catches up with ya.

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Here are the policy riders

These are the policy riders that the republicans want on the budget in order to get it passed.  They are only for the special interest and not in the interest of the people.
They dumb it down to a fight about abortion and clean air.  

Jill In Brazil: Empower our Sisters!

Jill In Brazil: Empower our Sisters!: "So, I’m skimming through Facebook and I see that my friend posted a petition for people to sign for Planned Parenthood. I agree..."

Empower our Sisters!

So, I’m skimming through Facebook and I see that my friend posted a petition for people to sign for Planned Parenthood.   I agree… so I reposted.
A Male friend of mine wrote a comment Planning for parenthood is great. People that need the help should pay for it themselves, or plan better.
I got a little heated and wrote back, “Planned Parenthood does more than just offer abortions they offer many services to women and men.  They provide education, birth control, yearly pap smears, mammogram, rape counseling, STD Testing, and Free Condoms.  It is low cost but not free; at least it wasn’t when I used them in College.  They offer help and service to women whom can’t turn to their parents because of their closed minds about the realities of life.  I do not think a man could ever start to comment on Planned Parenthood especially when it’s easy to say that and walk away.  Sorry, but I disagree.  Here is a link for those who need to read more;”
e, at least is wasn't when I used them in College. The offer help and service to women whom cant turn to their parents because of their closed minds about the realities of life. I do not think a man could ever start to comment on planned parenthood especially when it is easy to say that and walk away. Sorry but I disagree. Here is a link for those who need to read more: He responded I’m sure the services can be beneficial but it should be self-supportive”.
Then it began and you can read all comments on my Facebook profile. The next comment is what this next blog is about. 
Comment Another Male Friend “So you actually “believe” that propaganda that Reed and Pelosi put out????  Come on Jill is it much more complicated than that!!!!
Another woman “Talking to republicans about this is like trying to have a discussion on foreign policy with Sarah Palin”.
Comment Male Friend” I get your point with Sarah Palin—trying to have a complex political discussion with a naive and unintelligent woman is useless—Point well taken!!!
You got that right… it isn’t about how great Planned Parenthood is…It’s about ABORTION!
I do not believe any propaganda as I have experienced the benefits for myself as have many American women who are quite successful. The reason why we are even talking about this issue is in fact that, you are taking about the women who usually use Planned Parenthood for birth control, counseling, abortions, & STD’s… need I say that she is there because of a choice she made with a Man, and that’s 2 people.  And are you aware of how old these women usually are?  18-25 would be my guess.  You are right it is more complicated and let me tell you why Men and the Tea Party/ Republicans have their hands on women’s rights. 
One thing we all know is that the Govt. subsidizes tons of projects and programs, really bad ones & some good, that we ALL pay for in my opinion.  This is not a money issue; it’s under fire because it’s POLITICAL.  The Tea Party/Republicans take up issue with Planned Parenthood because of the Abortion issue and the need to fire up their base whom are usually One issue voters on Abortion, Guns, Gays & Religion or extremely rich.  After all, there is funding for abstinence in their bill.  This bill is all about special interests.  I am obviously pro-choice and pro-women.  I think Republicans/Tea Party want to love the fetus but don’t give a damn about the children after they are born...  For example, they want to cut spending on the free lunch program in the schools, and unfortunately for some children this is sometimes the only meal a child gets.  I say this because they want to cut spending on anything that has to do with helping the less fortunate and don’t talk about the money that they throw away at special interests that are often never under fire.
What do you want America?  You think the welfare system is abused and costs too much.  Let me tell you about a country who doesn’t offer welfare and they have disregarded their poor for so long that 2 realities exist simultaneously.  Two extreme realities.  So much that these Brazilians whom can afford to go to school, go to school full time and work full time jobs 6 days a week just so that they can live differently than what they see every day. You should be Proud that America has taken interest in our less fortunate and that we have Public Education. 
Poverty and Lack of Public Education is directly related to crime.  In Brasil the criminals walk the street feely and the other people live with gates on their homes.  Do you want this and how much is it worth to you?  Pissed about Taxes? Try living in a foreign country.
Greed is what will turn our system and it will become a place where an average American will not want to live.  Be grateful.  The big corporations say that they pay 35% taxes but there are so many loopholes they end up paying nothing and we (middle class) pay it all.  It was proposed that the corporations pay 25% and do away with loopholes and hours ago that was squashed, now it is 25% with loopholes & they pay themselves in dividends to avoid paying taxes.  You think the average citizen knows these loopholes or could hire an attorney/accountant to find them.  Get F-ing Real People.  If your rich people I get it, it is in your best interest to vote Republican but if you are the average American look at your life as it is and realize voting for the possibilities of getting rich is called the “lottery effect”.  It is more probable that you will never win.
I want to have money and I work for it, just like everyone else.  Do I want to be rich beyond my imagination?  Hell Yes!  It is the American Dream, and it’s still alive if we work on new business and innovation and new ways to power our cars and homes.  If we continue to let the Government appointed by the rich get away with this... we will continue to see the separation of classes and the middle class which we are almost all apart of will continue to dwindle and guess where you will be?  Not at the top.
You know why Americans don’t tolerate foreigners?  It is because we are told that the foreigner is the problem.  They aren’t the problem; the problem is that the average American doesn’t know who to be mad at.  Well let me break it down to you in numbers! 
Fortunately and unfortunately those whom are making tons of money and own large corporations have to come to the table and tell their stockholders how much they made for them the previous year.  Ok, no problem.  Now if you’re supposed to turn a profit every year wouldn’t you get a little creative?  So, we find out that shutting down an American factory and moving it to a foreign country is a great option and oh boy the stock holders will be so happy when they see the effect in their pockets.  Great so we shut down the company and move it oversees.  What is the effect, morale is low because people are losing their jobs.  People are depressed and on more drugs.  People are angry… so the corporations and media get a story all lined up in the news about the Mexican who crossed the border and shot a cop.  Not good however still not the problem.  Do you know that around 80% of Products made in America are now made oversees?
The numbers:
Minimum wage in America at 40hours a week= $1256.00 ($7.25 x 40hours x 52 weeks a year divided by 12 months).  Please correct me if I’m wrong.
Brasil as an example, minimum wage= $540/month ($337 U.S Dollars)
Products sold in America for their value and paid in American dollars. Products sold here in Brasil are sold at American prices.  The value has the exchange rate included.
So, add it up.  We pay American Dollars for the product from the company and they pay the other county in American Dollars for the labor.  Sounds like a good deal for the corporations but what about the people… eventually it will catch up with us if everyone abuses this idea. Why wouldn’t they, everyone wants to make a buck. 
As far as Planned Parenthood goes;
The people who visit Planned Parenthood are not Homeless People, they are your daughters and your daughters’ friends whom have parents and whom don’t want to use their parents’ money.  They are women whom are making a choice right now for their lives, they are our young and they need these services.
You can hide under the fact that it should be self-supportive, the truth is that the people whom use it need the assistance because they are usually still under their parents insurance and know that they cannot turn to their parents.  Want to change the world talk with your kids and talk about the issues that are considered Taboo in your home, because life is out there people.
All Systems get abuse!!!  All systems need an overhaul! So if it is about abusing the system well then stand in line because we take it in the shorts from the rich too, but since they control our media and our government I guess this doesn’t get highlighted too often.  I know you are upset with the abuse of government programs, but it is going to happen in any system and in any country but it is worth the fight in the long run.
I live in a foreign country with extreme poverty and where abortion is illegal, I can see what it is like to go back in time on women’s issues and one thing is for sure.  If they cram a bill through to change the rights of women’s health, what’s next?  Will it be to eliminate birth control, and then what take back our vote?  In this unusual time, I am not being extreme.
In conclusion, I have had many experiences abroad and one thing is for sure… America is a progressive and a beautiful place.  I am proud of the strides and sacrifices that people have made for our country and I understand it better now than I could ever have imagined.  I think we have gotten off track and it’s time to put this bickering and tit for tat shit aside and start to understand that people are different and not just because of their income levels.  I believe it is your duty in humanity to teach the less fortunate or you will never achieve greatness, money but not greatness.  Like I always say to my kids,” are you a part of the problem or part of the solution”.

Saturday, April 9, 2011

With a shoe?

Today I had scheduled a play date with a student of mine and her son.  Our boys are the same age and for the Rios kids a play date was long overdue.  We went to her son’s school party and the kids ran around all over.  Within one minute of not seeing Bernard he comes running to me with a look of terror on his face.  I looked at his face and there was sand on his forehead and spit on his shirt.  He said a kid hit him in the head with his shoe.  The spit might have been his, but as a mother I was shocked.  I have 2 things I despise most in life and that is getting hit in the head on purpose and spitting.  It wasn’t just getting hit a crossed the head it was with a thong no less.  A kid didn’t like Ben sitting by another and just took his shoe off and hit Ben with it.  When the kid came back Bernard did get in his face to tell him that was not good, this I was proud of.  What a little shitty kid.  Who takes their shoe off to hit someone?  What disrespect!
Despite the shoe incident, we did have a great day.  We went to my friends afterwards and had lunch.  Their family was awesome and the food was unbelievable.  I had never had such great beans, so soft and the salad was fantastic.  The steak was breaded with cheese and a red sauce was then added.  It was such a nice experience to find a friend that had kids.  I realize how important it is for me to start making these connections for my kids here in Brasil.   I have the kids and they have me, now it is time to branch out and meet some friends together.   One thing that I know is that I am not 25 anymore.  I am living in a foreign country as a mother not a traveler, I thought I’d have a ton of family who would want to hang with me but it didn’t really happen that way.   Now we work hard and save our money.  Another thing I am learning in Brazil is that if you want something you save for years.  I had a student of mine today say that he is already saving for the World Cup Games that will be in Brasil…In four years.  Now that’s Dedication.

Friday, April 8, 2011

Jill In Brazil: In the News

Jill In Brazil: In the News: "There was a school shooting in Rio yesterday. I am not sure of the details but a student came into the class and asked me if I watched..."

In the News

There was a school shooting in Rio yesterday.  I am not sure of the details but a student came into the class and asked me if I watched the news…. I said no.   Then he proceeded to tell me about this particular news story.  He wasn’t laughing but he was eager to tell me of the story because not only was it rare in Brasil but because he knew how common it was in America.  As a matter of fact, they were surprised that the American News Story was happening here.  Then I thought… I did turn on the news today for just a second today and saw the story.   When I saw it I was like “oh, another school shooting” and also thought for a second that it might be strange to see it in Brasil. When he was telling me, I knew why he had a little smirk on his face…  Let’s just say is just one of those things America is known for.  Brasil has a lot of crime; I think a lot of crimes of passion but School Shootings… not so much.   Maybe for Brazilians it was like the first or second time we saw our story like this.  Columbine, I was shocked.  What was it like 12 years ago?  It was 12 years ago that a school shooting wasn’t main stream news.  The school buzzer went off and I said, “You know why we have so many school shootings?  Everyone wants to be Famous”.  Famous for a good cause and if that doesn’t work, a bad cause will do.  

Tonight again at class my student told me that today he was reading an article on the internet about the school shooting and said there was a link at the bottom of the artical which said, "click here to see the other school shootings in America".  I guess we just do it better.
So,Here is a news story from Brasil recently that blew my mind.  It is a story about Bike Day.  In the south of Brasil, Santa Catarina they were promoting a bike day, asking for more people to exchange their cars for bikes.  All of a sudden a driver couldn’t stand following the 80 bikes any more, sped up and drove right through the crowd of bikes.  Bikes and people were flying everywhere.  It was crazy to see.  Could you imagine this in America?

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Jill In Brazil: Cornhuskers In Brasil?

Jill In Brazil: Cornhuskers In Brasil?: "Ok Fritz, I get it. I have been a bit lame the last couple of posts. I know especially the one where I wrote the bad song into t..."

Cornhuskers In Brasil?

Ok Fritz, I get it.  I have been a bit lame the last couple of posts.  I know especially the one where I wrote the bad song into the title.  So, what is new? 
Well today I was in Class teaching, I looked over at a student and then I looked more closely.  I noticed that he was wearing an Oklahoma State pullover.  I was like where did you get that?  As he was telling me about his trip to Oklahoma and the states, I then noticed that he was wearing a red hat that had a Big Red N on it.  He said that he bought it in Florida as he really liked the style (he didnt know what the N represented).  I couldn’t believe that I was staring at Nebraska Cornhusker Gear!  I was so proud that I proceeded to tell the story 3 more times today about how great Nebraska Football is and how we love our Cornhuskers.  I always say the same thing when ever I am away from the Midwest.  I love Cornhusker Football the most because it is something everyone can agree on in Nebraska.  We all get together, we wear red, we drink beer, we eat great football food and we sit around with our family & friends and watch football.  It is a feeling that has stayed with me everywhere I go.  Today, to have the opportunity to explain that to my class was so much fun, even if no one really understood.  :)  It was nice to be close to home.

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Good Day Today

Not much happend today, but I have been chatting with Kate the last couple of days and it has been great to catch up. I miss my family and friends. 

Tuesday, April 5, 2011


Yep, I seriously put in earplugs the other day.  With the Concrete and tile all around me I broke.  The sound of 2 kids screaming, the tv on and the noisy cars and motorcycles it was either earplugs or crazyland for me.

Sunday, April 3, 2011

Tonights the night, I turn out the light....

I knew I had nothing to say tonight but when I started posting this song came to my head.  Tonights, the night, I turn out the lights.  and love again........dont know the rest.  Love you.

Jill In Brazil: Stinky, Hungry & Tired

Jill In Brazil: Stinky, Hungry & Tired: "Bhellie (named after Usabelli Cole mine in Alaska), my dog made her way back to me once again. I have had Bhellie for 12 years now and..."

Saturday, April 2, 2011

Stinky, Hungry & Tired

Bhellie (named after Usabelli Cole mine in Alaska), my dog made her way back to me once again.  I have had Bhellie for 12 years now and everyone who knows us knows that she has not only been through a lot in her life but also tests me at every turn.  A loyal companion but she has never been easy.  I acquired Bhellie while I was working at a vet clinic in Alaska.  She was hit by a car and was left with the surgeon, when I started work Bhellie was already undergoing surgeries on her back legs.  When it was all said and done she had 3 plates and 21 screws total.    
I decided after months and months in a cage awaiting payment from her owners that if the Doctor would finish her treatment I would rehabilitate her and find her a suitable home.   Bhellie was actually perfect for my life; she slept till noon and ate only when she was hungry.  In this respect she was very low maintenance.   I tried to find her a home once but… did you ever see the Brady Bunch when they were trying to sell their home and the kids kept scaring the people whom were looking to buy so that they could keep their house… well this was me with Bhellie. 
There were a few other things too… like she hated to ride in a car so much that she would make herself impossible to catch, especially out in nature.  She escaped from every yard that I have ever had, she has been picked up by the dog catcher more than 5 times, she hates rain and will run away if she can or shake uncontrollably, she is scared of bees, has been kicked by a horse more than 3 times, Quilled by a porcupine twice, hates balloons and bicycle tires, has been under anesthesia more than 10 times for surgeries and way more than that for bandage changes.   For instance we had her leg amputated in 2006 and the 1st day that she was home she dug and escaped out of my yard as she somehow managed to get that cone off of her head.   Bhellie has always been a bit difficult but mine and I love her. 
When she escaped this time in Brasil, I knew she would be gone for some time, and hoped not forever.  I had been writing a book about Bhellie and her adventures since 2004 and could never find an ending to my book, I just figured that one day I will know the end and then I will then be able to finish it.  The tragedy was this couldn’t be her ending, I thought of so many other ends to my book but being lost somewhere in a foreign country on the outskirts of Crack Land…just didn’t work.  And also, Bhellie is 12!  I couldn’t imagine going through all of this and not getting to be there for her as an old lady.  
Anyway, someone saw her walking along a road about 8 miles from my house.  From what I understand she was seen by the same person twice who happens to have a farm where she rescues dogs.  She then happened to call a friend of hers to help her get Bhellie and he just happened to see the flyer that we posted at the local Grocery store.   She called Rodrigo and he went to pick her up after work but didn’t tell me.   I had just sent 30 more Lost dog flyers to print when I had to get up to get the keys for Rodrigo.  When I went to the door…. There was Rodrigo with Bhellie.    She was Stinky, Hungry, Tired and Thirsty.
The process of looking for my dog in a foreign country opened my eyes in ways that I could never have imagined.  So much that I was really emotionless and this surprised me.  I am emotionless but always feel like I could have a breakdown any day.   I don’t know if I am emotionless because I am always trying to find strength to live day by day in a foreign county where I am basically not understood or if the reality of losing her in Brazil was so beyond me that it brought me down to reality of where I am.  I can’t sort everything out right now but what I see today isn’t what I saw 4 days ago.  These are the 5 hard days of the month that I spoke about. 

Friday, April 1, 2011

Got a Call about the dog.

We did get news that Bhellie was about a mile and a half away from our house this morning.  A lady called and said that she saw her at the Padaria across from a Supermarket and petted her head.  The lady said that other people were feeding her.   I guess that 3 legged thing is working for her. J  I am hoping that she is close by now and that she can find home really soon. 

Jill In Brazil: The life of a Street Dog...

Jill In Brazil: The life of a Street Dog...: "Having one of those days... I have 25 glorious days a month here and then there are the 5 that really suck. These are the days w..."

The life of a Street Dog...

Having one of those days...  I have 25 glorious days a month here and then there are the 5 that really suck.  These are the days where I know I am living in a foreign country and I am the Foreigner. 

Last night my dog escaped from my house, she put her nose down and followed it far away from home.  There is so much shit and garbage to smell in the streets here... when she comes home I know after this adventure she will be happy to have her little boring life behind bars with tons of people food at her disposal, short walks on the leash and blankets to sleep on.  The life of a Street Dog in Brasil is not one to be envious about.

I know Bhellie is a smart dog and I know she is out there trying to get home.  Not only is she probably hungry but she is also now fighting with the other dogs as they are very territorial.  Dogs here work the streets just as people have specific corners or streets where they pander for money or “watch your cars”.  Dogs here work hard every day to find food and they are infested with fleas, weathered and scarred.  They are hit by cars and most of them always seem scared of everything.  I was a Veterinarian Technician and the problem with dogs in the street is so large that I do nothing…  I do not get involved and I am sure for the safety of my children this is the best thing but how does that really make me feel inside knowing that my job is to just forget that it exists.  I can’t feed them from my door because that too will become a problem. 

We have been driving around looking for Bhellie and hanging flyers in BRASIL.  Let’s just say that I am not in the best of spirits because I am missing my dog and because of this I am sure this is why I am feeling like saying this next bit.  BUT... while driving around I realize that I am living in the dumps, some areas around where I live have kids selling crack on the street, trash is everywhere and I keep thinking that even Bhellie wouldn't like these smells.  I realize that life is hard here; it is not even easy for the people who have enough money to get out of poverty and to provide more for their children.  Those kids go to school full time and then work the rest of the day for a better life because they know what they will have if they don’t, they see that life every day.
The lack of education in these areas it so profound it becomes scary and it is so unreal to think that being educated is something new; only a generation of people away & for many, they still won’t get educated in their lifetime.  The minimum wage of someone working in Brasil is $540 real a month.  This is $337 in U.S dollars.  The cost of products in Brasil is more expensive, going out to eat is about the same as in the U.S. and the prices of Groceries are about the same or higher.  No wonder why we have shipped all of our jobs overseas.  We sell the products to Americans and then take the U.S. dollar and exchange it to pay foreign workers.  I don’t mean to get off on another tangent but this fact seemed appropriate now. 

Brazilians are proud, they have a good time, they laugh, they cry together and they are good people.  More and more I understand why there families are so strong.  People who want something more work very hard and do it with pride.  People who are less fortunate have a life on the street and struggle to have their basic needs in life fulfilled.  I saw people on crack... I said “people”; Neighborhoods of people.  In my life I had only seen one here and there or heard stories... these last few days of driving around looking for my dog have been so eye opening for me because there is no escaping the reality of where I live. 

For those Brazilians who are offended by what I am saying... I am not talking about you and I will speak my truth.  I am talking about people who live 3 streets away and struggle every day for food and whom struggle every day for money and for a clean place to sleep if that even mattered anymore to them.  I am talking about the people who do not have a choice of where they can send their kids to school and the kids who may never have a choice.   It is a tough world out there and maybe not as tough for the people who have grown up in this manner for generations but when you are from a place where you have 3 styles of everything in 15 different colors it will open your eyes and change you.  I can’t even begin to imagine myself in a life like what I saw today and I can’t imagine that for my children. 

Maybe I sound too Naïve, but maybe I am. I will thank God every day for the life I have been given and spend the rest of my life trying to make it better for someone else. 

If you are reading this… remember sometimes people can’t choose where they are in life and when you run into someone from another country or someone who is different from you, be patient with them and learn something new. 

And for my dog, who has taught me another valuable lesson, please come home.  We miss you.

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